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AURA is a global impact advisory and asset management firm designed for the public and private sectors to harmoniously achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 



AURA♾ is a Global Impact Advisory and strategic creative influence firm intentionally designed by visionary thought leaders to create Infinite Impact♾ by aligning the public and private sectors to harmoniously achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). “Inspiring infinite impact.” -AURA♾

AURA♾  enables clientele and partners to understand consumer needs, embrace new technologies and get innovative products to market faster, timelessly.

AURA♾ designs uni/omniverses, influencing futures, captivating brands, companies, event experiences, and strategies that deliver measurable results, with discretion.

AURA♾ loves traveling and Fortune 500 experience to provide pragmatic operational support as well as events, branding to experience magic.

AURA♾ builds from the ground up, reorganizes talent, valuable resources, and secure infrastructure and our experienced network of partners delivers.  AURA♾… We are one, inspiring infinite impact.

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